...Walking you into the blessing and loving it..
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Devotionals: December 6th 2012
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O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it..... . Psm 139:1-6
It is not at all difficult to differentiate God's kind of love from the types of love out there.
David knew and experienced a love so unique and wonderful that he couldn't mentally grasp it.......this is too wonderful for me to understand, he exclaimed.
Apostle Paul and John both earnestly prayed and desire that we may come to know and experience this kind of love that is beyond mental comprehension.( Eph 3:19. 1John 4:16)
David witnessed a love that is rooted in DEEP UNDERSTANDING of our innermost being and desire. God understand us deeply and really knows what we want.
Of course there are many who would say".... I love you.." but do not understand who we are or what we want or disrespect our innermost desire and being.
Many times we are easily misunderstood by people we call friends, family or lovers.
Haven't you noticed that it is easy for people to judge you because they don't really understand you.
But beloved, God does knows and understand us. His kind of love takes time to search us out. Not because He is God but because He is Love. He listens to our heart, hears beyond what we say and takes time give us attention.
Sometimes we veil our heart deepest want and desire, we pretend, resist being vulnerable or act everything ok but someone filled with God's kind of love can see through and knows how to treat us.
Many times we react and say things we don't really mean like "....I don't want you anymore....." but someone with God's kind of love may understand our weaknesses and frustrations and are still able to forgive and receive us.
But there are others who may know what we really want but will rather exploit it and use it to their advantage, control and dominance. They simply lack God's kind of love.
Beloved, aren't you glad that in the kingdom, this kind of love has been poured into our heart by the Holy Spirit...... Rom. 5:5
We are capable of listening or connecting the heart and knowing people beyond the flesh henceforth.
Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: ....... 2Cor.5:16
We have the potential to look beyond outward actions and reactions and are able to love those that this world consider difficult or un- lovable. God's kind of love takes time to know and understand others.
May you experience more of God's love this month into the new year in Christ Jesus Name.